Cuba, How Travelers Can Stay Healthy

The number of individuals researching and planning trips to Cuba for 2017 has made it one of the hottest destinations in the world. Now that Americans are allowed to travel to Cuba, many are taking advantage of its beauty in its white sand beaches, national parks, as well as its casinos, shows, and events.
Though not far from the U.S. there are health and safety measures to consider while planning your trip. Mosquito borne illnesses such as Dengue Fever and the Zika Virus are common. With planning and proper precautions these risks can be minimized. Precautions against food borne illnesses are a concern and proper food handling, preparations, and immunizations are recommended to prevent infections. Cuba welcomes tourism, however its always wise to be careful not to fall victim of violent crimes.
If you are someone you know is planning a get away to Cuba or other Caribean Destination please contact us at White Mountain Travel Health, PLLC to give your travels a healthy start.