Is your tetanus up to date?

Tetanus is a bacteria found everywhere in our environment. It enters the body through open skin. It most likely occurs with wounds contaminated with dirt, human or animal feces, saliva, puncture sounds, burns, crush injuries, or injuries with dead tissue.
It is found world wide and more common in rural and farm areas especially in areas where there is more soil contact wth animal feces and areas with vaccines are not adequate.
It occurs in any age group.
It occurs between 3 and 21 days from exposure and on average 10 days. Symptoms are muscle rigidity and spasm, especially in the jaw and neck. Can be other ares as well. Severe tetanus can lead to respiratory failure and death. Death is common despite treatments.
Tetanus boosters are recommended every 10 years after completing the childhood series and if there is a heavily contaminated wound one to be given 5 years since last booster. Adults should also have one dose of Tdap which includes Pertussis (Whoopig Cough) in their life time. Whooping Cough is also on the rise.
It's important to make sure even routine vaccines such as tetanus are up to date before you travel for your safety and those in the areas you are visiting.
Before you leave for your next international vacation contact us today to make sure you are prepared.