Winter Weather---Warm Vacation Getaway---Stop by our travel clinic in northern NH, located in Little

Here in northern NH and VT we have had some cold winter weather including low temperatures, snow, ice, sleet, and freezing rain. For many, a trip to warm weather is on their minds. There are many great deals available right now if you need to get away. If you have plans for a vacation outside of the US, you should schedule an appointment with a travel clinic. Many think traveling to the Caribbean, Puerto Rico, or Mexico are similar to traveling to in the US, however there are things to consider.
Even standard trips to Puerto Rico, the Caribbean, and Mexico, let along Central & South America, Africa, and Asia pose additional health risks. We have all heard about the Zika Virus that has made numerous headlines in the past year. This is one of the types of mosquito transmitted illnesses that can be contracted in the these areas, including the Caribbean. Dengue Fever and Chikungunya are also a concern; and for the general population more of a risk to health than Zika which is concerning mainly for pregnant women and their unborn child. Proper mosquito avoidance is vital to prevent infection with such viruses. Knowing what to use and how to use them can make a difference of becoming sick or not.
Most individual's do not think about vaccines that may prevent illness while visiting these popular destinations. Even with standard travel plans to these areas there are vaccine preventable illnesses. A review of your immunization records, your destinations, your health, and travel plans should be discussed with a travel specialist.
Some illnesses may be food or water borne, so proper care should be taken during your trip to prevent a great vacation, being spent in the bathroom of your hotel room, instead of on the beach. Travel specialists can help you determine your risks and what measures, including vaccines are best for you.
In summary, any travel plans south of the US, including the Caribbean, Puerto
Rico, and Mexico should start with a visit to White Mountain Travel Health, PLLC to ensure a pleasant and healthy getaway.