Don't forget to pack these.

Casual sexual relationship occur frequently while traveling to foreign countries. A study showed casual sexual activity among 20.4% of travelers. Commercial sex workers are common in many destinations with some having high risks of STDS (sexually transmitted diseases), including HIV, thus increasing the risk of transmission to foreign travelers. Some infections have relatively few, if any symptoms, but can have long term effects.
It is important to prevent transmission and acquiring of STDS. If abstinence or mutual monogamy is not practiced, consistent and proper use of male latex condoms can reduce the risk of STDS and HIV infections. Only water based lubricants should be used to prevent weakening and breakage of condoms. Spermicides are not recommended as have been shown to add an increased risk of HIV transmission. It is also important to have Hepatitis B vaccines, and Hepatitis A vaccine for men who have sex with men and IV drug users. HPV vaccines are also recommended.