Travel Plans to India

India is becoming a popular destination for more and more US travelers. Many are traveling for tourism visiting the temples, beaches, and the Taj Mahal. For others US residents India is their homeland and make frequent visits home to see family and friends. Another reason for travel is more international businesses are flourishing in India. India has much to offer. Four religions originated in India, Hindiusm, Buddhism, Jainism, an Sikhism. The 2 large megacities are Mumbai and Delhi both with more than 15 million people. Seventy percent of the population is in rural areas and majority working in agriculture. Its economy is rapidly growing, however literacy rates vary drastically and the level of poverty is high.
India's landscapes include tropical beaches, foothills, deserts, and Himalayan Mountains. The climate is temperate in the north and more tropical throughout the year in the south. Most travelers prefer traveling to India during the winter months of November through March.
Often itineraries are limited to portions of India as there is just too much to see and do for a typical 2 week vacation. Some visit Delhi, Jaipur, Udaipur, Agra (to see the Taj Mahal). There are also bird sanctuaries in Keoladeo Ghana and a tiger reserve at Ran Thambore. There are also sacred religious sites to Hindus and Buddhists and Jains. There are also Hindu pilgrimages that are extraordinary experiences for participants. In the South Goa offers beaches in the western coast. Mumbai has the largest film industry in the world. Kolkata is the cultural capital of India. In South Central India there are beautiful garden's and India's Silicon Valley .
Travelers should be up to date with all routine immunizations, especially measles and polio since area only in recent years eradicated the illnesses. If traveling through May to October, the countries Monsoon season malaria prophylaxis is more important. Hepatitis A is highly recommended as is Hepatitis B. Of all the US cases of typhoid fever 80% are from travelers to India and other countries in South Asia. It is becoming more resistant to antibiotics. The risk of Japanese Encephalitis is highest during the monsoon season. The vaccine should be considered for travelers staying more than 1 month, especially if traveling outside of typical tourist areas. Travelers visiting friends and families are great risk. India has the largest burden of rabies worldwide with between 15,000 to 20,000 humans cases annually. Dogs roam free in packs throughout the country and the rabies treatment is not readily available throughout much of India.
There are a growing number of antibiotic resistant bacteria noted in India and those who have traveled to India. Dengue fever is endemic throughout all of India. Chickungunya is another concern as is Hepatitis E. Monkey bites are another large are of concern in regards to rabies and other illnesses as monkeys can be quite aggressive. Traveler's Diarrhea is common. Testing for Tuberculosis exposure before and after should be considered.
With the mix of old and new India, the heat, smells, and number of people India can be very overwhelming at first to travelers. India's transportation systems are crowded, having to push your way on to trains and buses, let alone the multitude of traffic accidents that occur making travel some of the most dangerous in the world. All modes of transportation are fighting for space on the overcrowded road ways without any traffic regulation to enhance safety. Air pollution is problematic in major cities.
Medical tourism grows in India and there are newer facilities for travelers wanting cardiac, orthopedic, dental, plastic surgery or transplantations at relatively lower costs than in the United States. Careful considerations to benefits and hazards should be carefully explored. The level of health care varies throughout India dramatically. There are also times of religious tensions and terrorist activities.
India has much to offer. A consult with a travel health specialist is crucial to having a safe and healthy trip of a life time. With such drastic differences between locations, time of year, and activities a travel specialist can determine your specific needs. Call to schedule your appointment today.