Ecuador & the Galapagos Islands

Do you have plans to experience Ecuador or the Galapagos Islands? Do you wish to experience the Andes Mountains, jungle culture, history, the Amazon, animals, or the coast? Make sure to schedule an appointment with White Mountain Travel Health, PLLC before you leave.
With so much to see and do in Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands. Its important to discuss you travel plans and health to determine your need for vaccines such as Yellow Fever, Typhoid, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Rabies, flu, and other routine vaccines. Ask about your risk of malaria and other mosquito borne illness, such as Dengue, Chikungunya, and Zika. Learn how to protect yourself from mosquitos and the illnesses they carry. Malaria Medications are often recommended.
Be prepared if necessary on how to protect and treat yourself from snake bites, rabies from bats and other mammals, and marine life such as coral and jelly fish.
It is also important to discuss where you will be staying to determine your risk and necessary precautions related to altitude illness.
Crime varying from petty theft to rape, murder, and kidnapping are concerns especially near the borders of Columbia and Peru. Know how to safe.
Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands have so much to offer. As with most travel plans what precautions and vaccinations that may required or recommended varies greatly depending on your individual trip. Its best to schedule an appointment to discuss what is right for you.