***Important*** An Update On theYellow Fever Vaccine Shortage

The national supply of the Yellow Fever Vaccine, YF Vax that is currently approved in the US is no longer in supply until mid 2018. The manufacture has been working with the FDA to provide the European version, Stamaril that has been used for over 40 years in Europe and more than a total of 70 countries in Europe and other countries, but it is not licensed for use in the United States. The FDA has approved it an "investigational new drug", to provide access to the vaccine during this crisis. it is not investigational or experimental and has been used safely for more than 40 years.
There are currently more than 4,000 certified Yellow Fever Clinics in the US, but due to FDA approving it is an "investigational new drug" it is limited to 250 clinics in the US. The only clinic in NH is the Travel Clinic at Dartmouth Hitchock in Lebanon, NH.
The cost of the vaccine is unknown at this time and likely to be expensive here in the US.
Besides the limited number of clinics who can now offer Yellow Fever Vaccine, the FDA is restricting it to be administered no more than 30 days before travel, but required to be given 10 days prior to your travel. That limits travelers to a 20 day window to get the vaccine. This will make it difficult to get an appointment and having to travel farther to get it.
There is a lengthy process to get the vaccine, including a lengthy consent form for adults. For children 7-18 years of age they must also sign a assent form and parents must sign a consent form for the child, both of which are lengthy.
For the next year until the current Yellow Fever Vaccine, VF-Vax is available again White Mountain Travel Health will not be able to provide the Stamaril Vaccine. That being said we can still help you. We can provide you with your pre-travel consult, all your other immunizations, educate you about insect protection, food, water, personal, and travel safety, along with prescriptions for malaria prevention, altitude illness, etc. If appropriate we can still offer Yellow Fever Waivers. We will fax a copy of our visit note to a clinic that can provide Stamaril and make a referral for you to have just Stamaril. We can schedule our visits to meet your needs. We can spend the time with your so are well prepared with vaccines, medications, and knowledge to stay safe and healthy throughout your travels.
If you prefer, you can have the entire visit at a clinic that provides Stamaril, however beware it will be harder to get an appointment, especially in the 20 day window. It will be more convenient to make an appointment only for the vaccine and have all other needs meet with us.
Other options include getting the vaccine in Europe or other countries that offer it before you travel to countries at risk for Yellow Fever in either South America or Africa. If you have plans to travel elsewhere before heading to a country that requires Yellow Fever or that has known Yellow Fever Risk we suggest getting your vaccine at a clinic in another country, where it will be easier to get an appointment and cheaper. So if you are going to France in 3 months and then in 8 months going to Peru we suggest getting the Yellow Fever Vaccine in France. We can help you find a clinic abroad to meet your needs.
We want everyone to continue to travel safely throughout the next year and in a manner that is best for you. Call us first at, 800-745-5056 so we can help you through this Yellow Fever Crisis.