2017 Hajj and Umar

Here is what you need to know about Hajj and Umar 2017.
The following Saudi Arabian Ministry of Health requirements and recommendations will be in effect for travelers participating in Hajj 1438 (August 30 through September 4, 2017) and/or Umra.
*There are not any travel restrictions.
*There are vaccine requirements and recommendations.
Hajj attracts more than 2 million people from all over the word annually to Saudi Arabia. It is one of the 5 pillars of Isalm that members must, if physically and financially able to participate in at least once in their life time. Participants must be spiritually, mentally, financially, and physically fit for this pilgrimage. There is much overcrowding which increases risk of respiratory and gastrointestinal illness. Due to the high volume of air travel there are frequent delays. Participants are required to walk between 5 and 12 miles daily. Medical Evacuation Insurance is highly recommended.
Call us today to schedule your appointment to make sure vaccinations re up to date and to discuss your specific health and safety considerations. 800-745-5056.