Meningitis Risk for Travelers
When we think of meningitis we often think of teenagers and college students who are become seriously sick or even die suddenly. It is...

Vietnam is becoming a popular tourist and business travel destination. There are many historic sites, shopping, trekking and biking,...

Know The Facts of Medical Tourism
Medical tourism is traveling outside of your country for the reason to receive medical treatment. Common reasons are cosmetic surgery,...

2017 Hajj and Umar
Here is what you need to know about Hajj and Umar 2017. The following Saudi Arabian Ministry of Health requirements and recommendations...

Study Abroad
Are you or someone you know a student studying abroad next year? Schedule your travel visit with us this summer. We'll make sure your...

Cruise Travel
Whether you have plans for a cruise over April Vacation or some other time make sure you are prepared. Know what medical facilities on...

Special Considerations for travelers with a chronic medical condition.
It's important to make sure that all your chronic medical conditions are well controlled before you leave. Before planning your trip...

Typhoid Vaccines
Typhoid fever is a febrile illness that can be severe and occasionally even life threatening. It is caused by Salmonella enteric...

Your pets may not be the only ones who need to be vaccinated against Rabies.
Though the incidence of rabies is relatively low in the US, it is higher in Central & South America and even higher in Africa and Asia....